Online training - anywhere, anytime

Online learning
Award-winning online learning / e-learning courses which you can take at any time, and go at your own pace.

Each badge is 2-4 hours of learning, easy to fit into your busy schedule.

ISO aligned
All course content aligns with international standards (ISO), the Āpōpō Guide, and the GFMAM Asset Management Landscape.

Receive a digital badge on completion of a course. Display your badges on social media or in your CV.

Digital badges are for everyone
A digital badge might be for you, if you are:
- New to managing infrastructure assets or want to align your understanding of asset management with the Āpōpō Guide.
- A student or recent graduate in any profession who are interested in this area.
- A professional in the sector who would like to advance their knowledge in a specific area.
Digital badge frameworks
Our award-winning digital badge programme creates new pathways into the asset management profession.
The range of digital badges that we offer is constantly growing as we develop badges that are more advanced, and in more specific areas of asset management practice.
The first five asset management badges cover the concept of managing assets from the very beginning. Together they for the “Asset Management Essentials” which can also be purchased as a package.
The images show the digital badge frameworks, so you can see how each badge fits in to the wider programme.
The other badges cover different subjects in more detail, and are appropriate for more experienced practitioners. Learners can pick and choose which digital badges suit them, at what time.
Use the arrow keys above to go through the Āpōpō digital badge learning framework. Or, click on an area of interest to zoom in.
On the bottom right is an option to switch to full-screen mode.

Āpōpō Certificates
Take digital badges ad hoc, or stack them into formal pathways of learning and earn an Āpōpō Certificate:
- Āpōpō Essential Asset Management Certificate: 5 digital badges over a 5-month enrolment period – read more
- Āpōpō Advanced Asset Management Certificate: 12 digital badges over a 12-month enrolment period – read more
Both Certificates include optional facilitated Teams sessions with subject matter expertise each month, and substantial savings on the price of individual badges.
Āpōpō Digital Badges
These award-winning online learning courses are bite-sized (2-4 hours) so you can fit them in into your busy schedule.
LD 101 – Introduction to Land Development Engineering
CC 102 – Carbon Emissions Analysis in Asset Management

Course was easy to follow and understand.

How do I access my badge?
Once you have completed a course, you are awarded a digital badge.
Āpōpō uses a service called LearningVault to issue the digital badges. The advantages are:
- You get a permanent ‘backpack’ of qualifications.
- You can link directly to the qualification.
When you complete your online learning course, you are awarded a digital badge automatically. A link arrives by email.
If you didn’t receive the email, check your junk / spam folder.
Follow the steps below to claim your badge.