AM 303 – Knowledge Management
NZ$295.00 excl GST
AM 303 is designed to support people involved in the design, capture and analysis of asset management data.
It is completed wholly online, at the time and place of your choosing. Once purchased, you can access the course immediately.
AM 303 is designed to support people involved in the design, capture and analysis of asset management data.
The course uses the Data – Information – Knowledge – Wisdom model to explore the path of raw data through information systems to the point that your organisation is enabled to make wise decisions.
This course content is based on the authoritative guide for Asset Managers in New Zealand, the Āpōpō Guide. and ISO 55000 suite of Standards.
Upon completion of AM 303 you will be better enabled to:
- Establish data and information governance processes to direct, control and assure that asset information is managed effectively as an organisational resource
- Define relevant legislative requirements, management standards and guidelines
- Define and specify data design – such as appropriate system architecture for creating, storing and processing data; and the organisation’s asset data standards that provide common definitions of asset hierarchies and attributes
- Understand and define data collection process criteria, and maintenance of data
- Understand and define data interface exchanges between systems and information storage requirements (such as security and confidentiality)
- Analyse data to gain an understanding of the organisation’s infrastructure.
On completion, learners are awarded a digital badge which can be saved and shared.
This course is a collaboration between Āpōpō and GHD.
Who should attend
Those involved in, or making decisions about, the knowledge management systems within an organisation.
Typical attendees include
- Consultants
- Planners
- Engineers
- Project managers
- IT professionals
- Systems administrators
- Executives
Learning material
- Text, images, video
- Formative assessment
- Activities
- Case studies
- Summative assessment
This course will increase your understanding of asset knowledge management, including management standards, legislative requirements, system architecture and data design.
- Information Landscape
- Requirements
- Data
- Information
- Knowledge
- Wisdom
Recommended prior learning or equivalent experience
- An understanding of the content of the following badges: AM 101, AM 202, AM 203 and AM 204.