TM 401 – Traffic Estimation and Strategy

NZ$395.00 excl GST

TM 401 is designed to help you understand the principles of traffic monitoring strategies and traffic estimation for road networks.

It is completed wholly online, at the time and place of your choosing. Once purchased, you can access the course immediately.

Āpōpō members qualify for a discount on this product. Members canand the discount is automatically applied. Or,join nowto get the discount.



    TM 401 is designed to help you understand the principles of traffic monitoring strategies and traffic estimation for road networks.

    This includes how data is collected, how to set up a data collection strategy and programme and how to estimate traffic flows across your network using the collected data.

    The course materials are the RIMS traffic monitoring guidelines aligned with the authoratative guide for Asset Managers in New Zealand, the Āpōpō Guide.

    On completion, learners are awarded a digital badge which can be saved and shared.

    This course is a collaboration between Āpōpō and Beca.

    Who should attend

    Those in, or who aspire to, transportation asset management roles.

    Typical attendees include

    • RCA transportation asset managers, consultants and contractors who are responsible for traffic monitoring strategies, programmes and updating network estimates.

    Learning material

    • Text, images, video
    • Formative assessment
    • Activities
    • Case studies
    • Summative assessment


    This course will develop your understanding of traffic monitoring strategies, the importance of network traffic data, and how to create a traffic count strategy.


    • Traffic data and monitoring technology
    • Terms and processes
    • Building blocks
    • Estimation
    • Traffic monitoring strategy

    Recommended prior learning or equivalent experience

    • An understanding of the content of the following badges: AM 101, AM 202, AM 203 and AM 204.
    Download PDF course brochure