About Āpōpō Scholarships 2024

Āpōpō has a long-standing history of supporting our infrastructure asset leaders of both today and tomorrow through scholarships.

Āpōpō scholarships are designed to advance the careers of infrastructure asset management professionals.

Entries are currently closed. Check out the recipients of our 2024 Scholarships below.

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Young Leader Scholarship with the support of IMNZ and AECOM

AECOM and the Institute of Management New Zealand provide this Scholarship for formal leadership coaching through IMNZ, including travel and accommodation if required, up to the value of $8,000. The successful applicant must complete their leadership coaching by April 2025.

This annual Scholarship provides the opportunity for an Āpōpō member to develop the skills and expertise necessary to enhance their senior management capability and potential. All members with less than 10 years post tertiary work experience in asset management and who hold a position of management responsibility are encouraged to apply for this scholarship.

The Priyani de Silva-Currie Emerging Asset Management Professional Scholarship

The Priyani de Silva-Currie Emerging Asset Management Professional Scholarship will provide the opportunity to complete the Australasian Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning and Integrating Asset Management Governance courses up to the value of $5,000. This course will set the winner up for attaining CPAM certification with the World Partners in Asset Management.

This annual Scholarship provides the opportunity for an Āpōpō member to develop the skills and expertise necessary to enhance their asset management capability. Preference will be given to applicants of ethnic/cultural and gender groups who are poorly represented in the asset management profession.

Emerging Governance Scholarship

The recipient of the Emerging Governance Scholarship completes the Institute of Directors Company Directors course up to the value of $11,000 to set them up for future governance roles. 

This annual Scholarship provides the opportunity for an Āpōpō member to develop the skills and expertise necessary to undertake current or future governance roles.  All members working at executive or governance Board level (in any area) are encouraged to apply for this scholarship.

Senior Professional Scholarship

The recipient of the Senior Professional Scholarship attends an international public works/asset management conference up to the value of $5,000.  This annual Scholarship provides the opportunity for an Āpōpō member to expand their networks and knowledge of asset management at an international level.  All members with more than 15 years post tertiary work experience in asset management are encouraged to apply for this scholarship.

NB This scholarship has been awarded for 2022 with the recipient attending the August 2022 Public Works Expo in Charlotte USA (hosted by the American Public Works Association).

What's on offer

Our Excellence Awards, Scholarships, and competitions are designed to recognise excellence in asset management projects. 

Āpōpō Asset Management Excellence Awards

Celebrating excellence in asset management

Kōmata o Te Rangi

The Āpōpō Supreme Infrastructure Asset Management Excellence Award


See what other competitions we will have running at The Āpōpō Congress