The sun rise on Maunga Hikurangi this morning marked the start of World Asset Management Day. Though we are at the bottom of the world, being the first in the world to see the sunrise is a unique experience that many kiwis (especially those in the Tairāwhiti region) relate to.
World Asset Management Day is a celebration day created by the Asset Management Council in Australia. First celebrated at AMPeak 2019, this marks the sixth time WAMD has been celebrated, and the first time Āpōpō has got involved.
Right now, the talk of infrastructure in the news and among peers is pretty grim. We want to take today as a chance to focus on the positives and look at how we can play our part in a thriving Aotearoa New Zealand.
Āpōpō is proud to be the lead professional association for Aotearoa New Zealand’s infrastructure asset management community. We have an extensive network, including over 900 members, committed to driving asset management excellence forward for our communities.
We are playing our part by up-skilling, supporting, and celebrating asset managers working across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Our Āpōpō education programmes and events are dedicated to up-skilling asset management professionals. Continuous learning and improvement ensures that asset management practices in New Zealand reach the highest standard while being relevant to our unique cultural context.
Every year we provide valuable scholarships for members. Āpōpō Scholarships are designed to advance the careers of infrastructure asset managers, supporting our infrastructure asset leaders of both today and tomorrow.
As we encourage the growth in skill and experience in our industry, we continue our tradition of celebrating asset management excellence at our annual Āpōpō Awards in May.
This is our way of recognising and highlighting projects and initiatives that enable sustainable communities through infrastructure asset management excellence in New Zealand.
Asset management isn’t just about making sound investment decisions – its about serving our communities in a way that ensures the needs of today are met alongside the needs of tomorrow. Āpōpō is proud that tomorrow is at the heart of our people and is the very soul of our profession.
Join us today in celebrating World Asset Management Day, as we honour the efforts of asset managers nationwide in shaping a brighter, more sustainable future for New Zealand.
Our 2024 Āpōpō Congress will explore the hard issues we are facing as a profession, through a framework of three key te ao Māori principles: Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga, and Rangatiratanga. Held 21 to 23 May 2024 at Tākina Wellington Conference Centre. Register here.