We are thrilled to welcome onboard Zelda Botes, IPWEA NZ’s new Governance and Administration Assistant.
Zelda has only been onboard a couple of weeks, but her impact is already being felt, with her cheerful, friendly and proactive presence!
We decided to put Zelda on the spot and asked her to share a few words to introduce herself to our members, she says:
Hi, as the new Governance and Administration Assistant, I am very excited to be part of the dynamic IPWEA NZ team. New Zealand has now been home to me and my family for the past 5 and a half years. For the last three and a half years I worked as the office manager for two pre-school centres in Lower Hutt. Prior to that, in South Africa, my husband and I owned a printing and signage business for many years. I have a wealth of experience in administration, and I want to apply it in this environment to run the admin side of IPWEA NZ smoothly.
I am very grateful to be residing in this beautiful country. I have five grown up sons – each one of them now with their own family. Three of them also live in Wellington and that is a huge blessing. When I am not busy with my precious family, my husband and I like to impact young people and present different courses to that effect. I love listening to motivational speakers and occasionally play squash.
I am looking forward to a long and fruitful career at IPWEA NZ.