On this page: Terms of Use | Purchase Terms | Membership Rules
Terms of Use
By using this website, you are deemed to have read and agreed to these Terms of Use and the Purchase Terms (together “Terms”). The Āpōpō website is developed and administered by Infrastructure Asset Management Professionals Incorporated (Āpōpō).
Privacy and confidentiality
Personal Information
Āpōpō is subject to the Privacy Act 2020. We will only collect, use and store your information for a purpose connected with one of our functions as a professional body. We may contact you using the information you provide us, but you can unsubscribe from our communications at any time.
Your personal information is confidential and will only be used for the purpose it was gathered or as legally required by the appropriate authorities. Āpōpō will disclose or provide your personal information only to our employees, affiliates, agents and permitted sub-contractors to the extent reasonably necessary for the purpose the information was gathered. You have the right to request copies of any personal information we hold about you. You may also request that information is corrected if it is inaccurate.
We will not sell or rent your personal information to any third party or share it with anyone else without your permission.
If there are any changes in how we use your personal information, we will notify those affected by email.
Āpōpō Members only
Āpōpō members are required by the rules of membership to keep their email address current in their membership records on this website. We may contact members using their email for membership related communications.
Disclaimer and liability
Āpōpō provides the Āpōpō website (this website) as a service to the public. Āpōpō is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within this website.
While Āpōpō makes all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this website, Āpōpō does not guarantee that the information on this website is correct, complete and up-to-date. Āpōpō does not accept any liability, direct or indirectly, for any loss or damage which may result from any advice, opinion, or information contained on this website. You are solely responsible for the actions you take in reliance on the content on or accessed through this website.
You are solely responsible for evaluating the fitness for a particular purpose of any downloads, courses, and text available through this site.
Although Āpōpō makes all reasonable efforts to ensure this website runs smoothly, we do not warrant that the service from this website will be uninterrupted, timely or error-free.
Although the website includes links providing direct access to other internet resources, Āpōpō is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these other sites.
We do not monitor or review the content of other parties’ websites that are linked to from this website, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those websites.
Links published on this website do not constitute an endorsement by Āpōpō of the parties or their products or services. Views expressed in any article on this website are the views of the authors individually and do not necessarily reflect the view of Āpōpō or its members.
You should evaluate the security and trustworthiness of any other site connected to this website or accessed through this website yourself, before disclosing any information to them. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from your disclosure of personal information to third parties.
Intellectual property
All content published on this website is protected by copyright and is owned, controlled by or licensed to Āpōpō, or the party listed as the provider of the material.
Unauthorised copying, reproduction, republishing, reuploading, posting, transmitting or duplicating of any of the content is prohibited.
This website uses cookies to enable us to retrieve user details for each visit. Cookies are used in some areas of this website to enable the functionality of this area and ease of use for those people visiting.
The laws of New Zealand govern these Terms and any dispute arising from access to this website is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand courts.
If any of these Terms are deemed invalid or unenforceable for any reason, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be severed from these Terms, and the remaining Terms will continue to apply.
Failure of Āpōpō to enforce any of the provisions set out in these Terms does not constitute waiver of their right to do so in the future.
Āpōpō reserves the right to change these Terms from time to time as it sees fit and your continued use of this website will signify your acceptance of any changes.
Purchase Terms
By using this website, you are deemed to have read and agreed to these Purchase Terms and the Terms of Use (together “Terms”). The Āpōpō website is developed and administered by Infrastructure Asset Management Professionals Incorporated (Āpōpō).
Fees and payment
All fees are presented on this website are in the user-selected currency (default is New Zealand dollars) and exclude GST.
Āpōpō will issue an invoice to you or re-direct you to a secure credit card payment portal to complete payment for completed and confirmed purchases.
Major credit/debit cards and direct credit are acceptable methods of payment.
If you have been invoiced for payment, payment must be made within 30 days of the date of the invoice. We reserve the right to recover any debts which remain unpaid 90 days from the date of the invoice. In such circumstances, you will be liable for any and all additional administrative and/or court costs.
Events and courses
By purchasing a registration or RSVPing to attend any of Āpōpō events or courses, you agree to these Terms.
If you register or RSVP on behalf of someone else, you accept responsibility for making the attendee aware of our Terms and are deemed to be acting on their instructions and their behalf in accepting these Terms.
The event or course location, timing, format, purpose, fees, and all other aspects of the event or course are determined at the sole discretion of Āpōpō. We may change any aspect of the event or course where considered reasonably necessary to do so.
Āpōpō may require criteria for participation at a specific event or course which will be noted in the event or course listing. Such criteria may be altered without notice. Already registered participants will be made aware of criteria alterations.
You are responsible for all costs associated with attending the event or course including travel and/or accommodation. Āpōpō is not responsible for any costs or disbursements incurred as a result of registering or RSVP for an event or course.
Personal Information
In relation to events or courses you purchase or RSVP for, Āpōpō may collect personal information from you for the purpose of:
- The facilitation, planning, and management of the event
- Advising you of event changes or updates
- Providing you with information about events, related services provided by Āpōpō or third parties.
You agree that Āpōpō may retain and use such personal information for the above purposes and that Āpōpō may contact you in the future for purposes related to the event or related event opportunities.
Cancellation by Āpōpō
Āpōpō may cancel your event or course registration and refuse admission if:
- Participation criteria is not met (if applicable)
- Payment (including any taxes) is not made in full by the event date, or course commencement date, or due date on the invoice.
Āpōpō may cancel or postpone an event or course at our discretion. Notice of cancellation will be made in writing to anyone already registered or RSVP’d. Additional notice of cancellation or postponement may be published on the Āpōpō website and using Āpōpō social media channels.
Refund or Transfer
Āpōpō will offer you refund or transfer options if we cancel an event or course subject to any specific refund policy of the event or course.
If you wish to cancel or transfer your event or course registration to an alternate date, or to an alternate attendee, a request must be made to Āpōpō at info@apopo.co.nz.
Cancellation refunds and transfer requests are considered on a case-by-case basis noting the following guidance:
- Within 10 business days of the event or course date – no refunds granted unless exceptional medical or similar unavoidable reasons are presented, transfers considered
- Between 10 and 15 business days of the event or course commencement date – 50% refund granted, transfers considered
- More than 15 business days of the event or course commencement date – full refund or transfer granted.
Specific refund deadlines and policies apply to Āpōpō conferences and forums and the Āpōpō Awards each of which may differ from above.
If you are feeling unwell on the day of your event or course please stay home and email info@apopo.co.nz.
Publications and digital badges
By purchasing a digital badge or downloading a publication you agree to these Terms.
If you purchase on behalf of someone else, you accept responsibility for making the attendee aware of our Terms and are deemed to be acting on their instructions and their behalf in accepting these Terms.
The digital badge or publication content, format, purpose, fees, and all other aspects are determined at the sole discretion of Āpōpō. We may change without notice any aspect of the digital badge or publication where considered reasonably necessary to do so.
Āpōpō may recommend criteria for undertaking a digital badge which will be noted in the digital badge listing. Āpōpō is not responsible for you being unable to complete a digital badge for any reason.
Refunds for digital badges and publications purchased are not available. Requests to transfer a digital badge that has been commenced is not possible. Transfers to an alternative learner before the commencement of a digital badge may be requested by email info@apopo.co.nz.
Membership Rules
Membership of Āpōpō is in accordance with the current Rules and Constitution which can be downloaded in full here: Āpōpō Consititution and Rules. “Āpōpō”, as the trading name of Infrastructure Asset Management Professionals Incorporated, is referred to as “IAMP” in the Rules and Constitution.
The following clauses of the Rules and Constitution are brought to the attention of prospective Members.
- Membership of IAMP shall be available in the following classes:
- Full Member: Persons regularly employed in Aotearoa New Zealand in the provision of infrastructure asset management services.
- Student Member: Persons undertaking study in Aotearoa New Zealand towards a tertiary qualification relevant to the provision of infrastructure asset management services, provided they are not currently employed or contracted for more than 40 hours per month.
- Emerging Member: Persons regularly employed in Aotearoa New Zealand who at the start of a financial year have been employed for less than five years in the provision of infrastructure asset management services.
- Senior Member: Persons in Aotearoa New Zealand who are 65 years of age and older at the start of a financial year and are no longer regularly employed or contracted for the provision of infrastructure asset management services.
- Life Member: Members elected at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting as provided in rule 8.
- Honorary Member: Persons elected at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting as provided in rule 10
- Corporate Member: Organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand involved in the provision of infrastructure asset management services, and their suppliers and advisors, as provided in rule 12.
- International Member: Persons not in Aotearoa New Zealand who support the Purpose of IAMP.
- The Board may make changes to membership classes and eligibility criteria as determined by the Board from time to time.
Life Members
- IAMP at any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting on the recommendation of the Board and on the approval by two thirds majority of those Members present and entitled to vote under rules 114 to 116, may elect to Life Membership any Member either practising or retired who by reason of their activities has rendered particularly outstanding and distinguished service to IAMP and its predecessors or to infrastructure asset management.
- Life Members shall be exempt from annual subscription and shall have all the powers and privileges of Full Members.
Honorary Members
- IAMP at any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting on the recommendation of the Board may elect to Honorary Membership any person who by reason of their activities has rendered outstanding service to IAMP and/or infrastructure asset management.
- Honorary Members shall be exempt from annual subscriptions, shall be eligible to attend any meetings of IAMP and speak on any matters before the meeting but shall not be entitled to vote.
Corporate Members
- The following corporate bodies are eligible for admission as Corporate Members of IAMP:
- Local authorities, Council Organisations and Council Controlled Organisations as defined in the Local Government Act 2002;
- Government Departments, Crown Entities, Crown Companies and State Owned Enterprises;
- Companies and other organisations.
- A Corporate Member of IAMP may nominate specific people in Aotearoa New Zealand to be members of IAMP and / or a number of membership positions that it will be responsible for. This nomination must be made in writing to the Chief Executive.
- Any specific person nominated by a Corporate Member to be a member of IAMP or a person utilising a membership position associated with that Corporate Member, must comply with the membership requirements set out in rules 1-6.4. If admitted, these members (as nominated by a Corporate Member) will have the same rights and responsibilities as any other Member of IAMP. However, the Corporate Member shall be responsible for paying the subscriptions, levies and charges imposed under rule 33.
Additional information
- Every Member is responsible for ensuring their email address recorded on their profile in the members’ only area of the IAMP website is current and accessible by them to receive notices.
- If a member is to be in the class of Senior Member it is their responsibility to ensure that their date of birth is recorded on their profile in the members’ only area of the IAMP website.
- If a member is to be in the class of International Member it is their responsibility to ensure that their non-Aotearoa New Zealand address is recorded on their profile in the members’ only area of the IAMP website.
- If a member is to be in the class of Student Member it is their responsibility to ensure that once achieved, the date of completing their tertiary qualification, relevant to the provision of infrastructure asset management services, is recorded on their profile in the members’ only area of the IAMP website.
Notice to Members
- All notices required by the Constitution to be given to Members shall be sent by electronic mail to the email address recorded on their profile in the members’ only area of the IAMP website.
Application and admission
- Applications for membership of IAMP shall be in such form as is presented on the IAMP website and shall be supported by whatever information the Board may require by way of general policy, or as it considers desirable in any particular case, and will include at least:
- The applicant’s consent to becoming a Member:
- The applicant’s acknowledgement they will be bound by this Constitution; and
- The applicant’s name and contact details, including their email address and their primary workplace or residential address, and their phone number.
- Applications for membership in classes Full Member, Student Member, Emerging Member, Senior Member, International Member or Corporate Member shall be considered by the Chief Executive for approval and admission. The Chief Executive must report all approved new Members to the Board and record the date of admission for each new Member with that Member’s profile in the IAMP website.
- Applicants may appeal to the Board in the event that their membership application is declined by the Chief Executive. All decisions made by the Board on the admission of new members in classes as Full Members, Student Members, Emerging Members, Senior Members, International Members or Corporate Members shall be final.
Member duties
- All Members must:
- Comply with this Constitution and any Bylaws, and any later changes to them.
- Pay on time all fees, subscriptions, registrations, charges, penalties, or other amounts validly charged to them by IAMP.
- Conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with being a fit and proper Member of IAMP.
- Conduct themselves in a manner that does not damage the rights or interests of a Member or the rights or interests of Members generally.
Ceasing to be a Member
- Subject to rule 47, any Member shall be entitled to resign, and such resignation shall take effect from receipt of written advice received by the Chief Executive. Such action shall not relieve the member from any responsibility for the payment of outstanding subscriptions and levies. No refund of any subscription or levy in relation to the financial year in which a member resigns shall be granted.
- If a Corporate Member resigns its membership under rule 24, all Members nominated by that Corporate Member will be treated as having relinquished their membership as at the end of the financial year following receipt of the written advice of resignation.
- A Member ceases to be a member on their death, or if a Corporate Member on liquidation or deregistration.
- For each Member who ceased to be a Member within the previous 7 years, IAMP will maintain records of:
- The former Member’s name;
- The date the former Member was admitted as a Member (if known); and
- The date the former Member ceased to be a Member.
Suspension, sanctions, or expulsion
- A Member may, at the discretion of the Board, have their membership and/or, in the case of an accredited Member, their accreditation, suspended if that Member is subject of a complaint or the Board has reasonable grounds to believe that the Member may have engaged in Serious Misconduct.
- A Member may, at the discretion of the Board, be expelled from IAMP, reprimanded, or admonished if a complaint is upheld against the Member, or the Member is found to have engaged in Serious Misconduct.
- Any appeal against suspension, reprimand, admonishment, or expulsion shall be heard by the Board as soon as is practicable when the Member or their representative may make submissions supporting the appeal and be questioned. Appeal decisions shall be made by a three-fourths majority of the Board present at the hearing and shall be final.
- If a Corporate Member is expelled from membership under this rule all Members nominated by that Corporate Member will be treated as having relinquished their membership.
- Members (excluding Student Members, Life Members and Honorary Members) shall pay an annual membership subscription as determined by the Board.
- Any Member, whose subscription remains unpaid after three months from the due date, shall, upon resolution of the Board, forfeit their membership and their name shall be removed from the register of Members.
- The Chief Executive shall, as soon as practicable, after 1 October in each year advise the Board of those ceasing to be Members under rule 34.
- Cessation of membership for any reason, except due to their death, will not free any former Member from liability to pay all money due to IAMP at the date their name was removed from the register of Members, unless they can prove extenuating circumstances to the satisfaction of the Board.
- Reinstatement of membership shall be complete when:
- Written application is made to the Board, and
- Any reinstatement fee prescribed by the Board has been paid, and
- The Board or any committee to which is delegated the appropriate authority has by resolution approved the reinstatement.
- The reinstatement fee may however, in any individual case be waived by the Board, where in its opinion, such action is warranted, taking into account the circumstances pertaining to that case.
- If a Corporate Member forfeits its membership under rule 34 all Members nominated by that Corporate Member will be treated as having relinquished their membership at that same date.
Division into branches
- IAMP membership shall be divided into branches as set out in Appendix 1. An Annual General Meeting of IAMP must approve the formation of new branches, the dissolution of existing branches, or the alteration of boundaries between branches.
- Each Member shall be a member of the branch in which either their primary work-place or their primary residence is situated, as nominated by the Member, except for International Members. An International Member is not a member of a branch.
- Branch Chairs will;
- represent at the Board the interests of their branch Members; and
- arrange events and activities in their branch to advance the Purpose of IAMP with the support of IAMP staff.
Liability of Members
- No Member shall, by virtue of being a Member, be under any liability in respect of any contract or other obligation made or entered into on behalf IAMP.