We are excited to announce the 2023 National Lifeline Utilities Forum: Rebuilding a more resilient Aotearoa.
The Forum will be held at Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington on 26th and 27th October 2023. Registrations are open now:
This year’s forum will focus on changing national critical infrastructure policies, the impacts and ongoing recovery related to the Te Ika-a-Māui North Island severe weather events, and opportunities to create a more resilient future. As always, the Forum will provide an opportunity for attendees to keep up-to-speed with infrastructure and hazard resilience developments, discuss how the changes will affect you and your organisation, and most importantly network with others with similar passions for our infrastructure and communities. There are also options for complementary pre-Forum tours on the afternoon of 25th October, subject to availability/sufficient registrations.
With the success of previous Forums increasing the number of participants, venue and catering costs have become more challenging. For the first time, we need to charge a small attendance fee to complement valued support from our sponsors:
- $290 for full registration
- $150 for full-time students
- Free for presenters.
We are also providing a competitive opportunity for Emerging Professionals, where successful applicants will present ‘lightning talks’ at the Forum, and attend for free. More information on this opportunity is provided in the attached flyer.
There are various payment options depending on whether you are able to pay with a credit card online (easier at our end) or whether you require an invoice with Purchase Order number to make payment.
We look forward to seeing you in Wellington in October!