A big thank you goes out to everyone who answered our engagement survey in February/March this year. Our last measure of engagement was the Beaton + FineHaus survey in 2019. While this year’s survey was much shorter, similar questions were asked as a measure against the 2019 benchmark. Overall the results show we are improving in customer engagement.
There were some really positive results, including the likelihood of recommending IPWEA NZ to others rating at 83%. This was across all respondents and is a strong net promoter score. This is a substantial increase since 2019 when the result was 71%.
This survey was open to everyone who has had an involvement with IPWEA NZ, not only our members. We had 200 members respond, and 194 of the respondents had done training with us.
The main reason for being involved with IPWEA NZ was to develop skills and knowledge. A close second is the sense of belonging to a professional community, and the third was networking and access to resources.
Your main reasons for becoming involved with IPWEA NZ:
90% of members indicated they are likely to renew their subscription. We are really pleased with this result, but we are determined to make sure that our membership offering continues to improve and we continue to innovate.
The Beaton + FineHaus survey in 2019 returned a result of a 79% likelihood of renewal, so we have seen a substantial 11% increase in membership loyalty over the last four years.
Services and benefits
Please rate the services provided by IPWEA NZ:
The highest-rated services offered by IPWEA NZ were:
- Develop skills and knowledge
- Belonging to a professional community
- Networking, and access to resources
- Industry news and insights
There were over 200 suggestions of services or benefits that respondents would like to see from us in the future. We are really pleased to have this list of recommendations front-of-mind as we work on improving what we provide infrastructure asset managers in Aotearoa.
Many of the suggestions were on the theme of more or continued training and networking opportunities. Training and networking targeted at young infrastructure asset managers were suggested, and more local meetings and sharing meetings via Zoom or recordings. To increase our local networking opportunities our branch chairs have been organising meetings around the country. We had one in Palmerston North two weeks ago, Rangiora on Friday, and two more coming up in May.
Some survey respondents suggest more resources such as a library of NZ standards and technical publications. Some of the recommendations were on specific topics such as Treaty Education, case studies including Māori perspectives on infrastructure, and Land Development Engineering.
On the strategy front there were many great suggestions which we will be looking to adapt so thank you to those who took the time to provide this well considered and detailed feedback.
The survey findings will help us focus on the areas which make the biggest difference to our customers. We can concentrate on enabling skill and knowledge acquisition, a sense of belonging, networking, and access to resources as our organisation and its services continue to evolve this year.
The next engagement survey will be held in 2024.
Emily Liddell,
Membership Engagement Manager