Friday 5 November marked the 40th Anniversary of the Otago/Southland Branch annual Golf Day!

It started back in 1981 at the Tairi golf course and long term IPWEA member Greg Erskine was there. Greg has attended most of the annual golf days since – an impressive track record. Long may the tradition continue as it was a beneficial morning of technical presentations ranging from zero emission orchards (100% electric), Waugh’s sustainability efforts, the challenge of taking over a private water supply, and the massive project which is Kā Huanui a Tāhuna Alliance, as well as some truly social golf.

100% Electrification of the Forest Lodge Orchard is an inspiring story of a local cherry orchard turned into a zero carbon venture by Mike Casey. They have the first electric frost fighting fan in New Zealand, and in June 2022 they will be the proud owners of the first electric tractor in New Zealand.

Andy Bartlett from Waugh Infrastructure Management updated the branch on their recent carbon and climate work as a business in meeting Toitu carbonzero certification. Andy also highlighted Waugh Infrastructure Managements work on the Climate Adaptation Platform and Inframanage.

The challenges of taking over privately owned water supplies is something which Ian Evans and Julie Muir know about first hand through their work at the Central Otago District Council. They shared their recent experience and the lessons learnt at a time when many of those working in the water industry may be dealing with this type of transition due to the upcoming reforms.

Scott Shaw, project manager from the Kā Huanui a Tāhuna Alliance talked us through their project which is an enormous undertaking enabled by the quiet times brought about by the COVID pandemic. In three and a half years when the project finishes there will be an impressive network of transport corridors connecting Queenstown. The magnitude of the work and the 26 sub-projects are a huge undertaking and his explanation of the alliance model to deliver all of this is something to aspire to in other projects.


Golf round up

The weather was perfect as is tradition – sunny, not a cloud in the sky and enough wind to keep the temperature comfortable.

The teams were skillfully allocated by Scott Shaw of Downer, based on their handicap, so that the more experienced golfers were mixed with those less or completely inexperienced at golf.

Player Support via the one and only golf buggy was provided by the Branch Chair, Quinton. Vaughn Crowther, previous branch chair is also pictured here.

At the end of the day one of the spot prizes went to Thyagu Gopalan as it was not only his first time playing golf, but also the first time he had set foot on a golf course. He had the skills and wisdom of Greg Erskine in his team to provide coaching.

The winning team in the Ambrose golf tournament was made up of Andrew Wong, Ian Evans, Patrick Keenan and Scott Shaw.

Thanks to the new Otago/Southland Branch Chair, Quinton Penniall for organizing the event, the presenters for sharing their knowledge and expertise and the sponsors Central Otago District Council, Waugh Infrastructure Management, Downer and Utility for making it happen!

Thanks to the event sponsors: