What have we done!?
for you this year…

Our focus is support you in achieving excellence in engineering and asset management for sustainable communities.  Below is a list of the work and achievements that have been keeping us busy in 2019:


  • Released our Outcomes Document from the November 2018 NAMS Forum – click here
  • Increase in training offerings and range – increased number of Writing AMPS courses across NZ to assist with Long Term Planning needs.
  • Introduced Microcredentials – Digital Badging – over 120 people enrolled since September. This has been developed from our Fostering our Futures work by Vaughn Crowther. And has been in collaboration and with the support of Tertiary Education Commission (TEC).
  • Built a new RIMS website
  • Road Network Performance Monitoring & Management Guideline has now been released – click here
  • A draft document has been prepared for REG entitled Candidate Selection Algorithm (CSA). CSA is used to forecast the timing and treatment required to maintain roads in good condition for the least whole-of-life cost in the short to medium term.
  • And for a bit of nostalgia – but still very relevant today – two video links:
  • Ride of a Lifetime – A short film on Asset Management. From the archives, this 19-minute video about, “Managing our Community Assets”, is presented by the one and only David Lange.  Filmed in 2004, it features Mayors, councillors and Council Engineers, describing what Asset Management is, and why we need it.
  • The other is “Tips for the New Car Owner” – about asset management and what’s under the hood. And in addition to mayors and managers, it includes the Auditor General at the time Kevin Brady. – click here


  • Successful LDEG Forum 14-15 March 2019 Queenstown
  • Successful RIMS Forum along with IDS, 27-28 March 2019, Dunedin
  • Successful IPWEA NZ Annual Conference – farewell past president Samantha Gain and in with new President Myles Lind
  • More branch / regional events – we held 15 branch meetings around the country in 2019


  • We have worked with Weltec to develop an engineering degree apprenticeship in asset management. This course is based on IIMM and will also incorporate our digital badging. We also have an MOU with Otago. Read more here
  • We have been involved with the Productivity Commission in the inquiry into technological change and the future of work. As part of this work, they are looking at future trends in education, one of which is the rise of micro-credentials.
  • More sectoral collaboration – with Water NZ, ENZ, SOLGM, LGNZ and Engineering Leadership Forum
  • Hynds Paper winner Irmana Sampedro of Christchurch City Council and winner of the Hynds paper was invited to present at the ICLEI conference in Mexico in November.


  • Myles Lind was appointed as Vice President of IPWEA (Australasia) – effective February 2020.
  • Myles Lind appointed as Chair of the Canadian Board of IPWEA.
  • Introduced a new Award Category – Environment and Sustainability Excellence Award – sponsored by Morphum Environmental
  • IIMM was last updated in 2015. Much has changed and the need for the document to be digital and more interactive. The IIMM Review has begun with workshops held in Wellington and Sydney to develop the case for change – scope of contact and delivery platform. Attendees developed 3 scenarios – Refresh, Reshape, Repurpose. The main differences are about the type of digital platform and the staging of the changes. The draft business cases for each have been brought together into one case which will go to the Australasian and NZ Boards early next year.
  • LDEG leading a review of unified approach to subdivision and land development and standard NZS 4404. A case for change will be presented to the LDEG forum, 19-20 March 2020.

If you want to know more about what’s going on, peruse our website or email nz@ipwea.org.

Ngā mihi o te kirihimete me te tau hou