A sun-filled room at Engineering New Zealand offices in Wellington greeted a good turn out of attendees at the last Wellington Taranaki Branch meeting.
ENZ CEO Susan Freeman-Greene delivered a warm welcome, followed by attendees officially voting in Raj Suppiah as the Branch Chair. Attendees enjoyed presentations covering a breadth topics including: how to transition to a water-sensitive city, Government procurement rules update from NZTA and MBIE, reflections of a more philosophical nature on what it means to be an ‘Asset Management Native‘, addressing the skills shortage, the IIMM update process, and more.
Branch Secretary George Bowman deftly curated and managed the event – as well as delivered an inspiring presentation on how he is addressing the skills shortage. The next Wellington / Taranaki Branch meeting will be combined with East Coast Branch – in Hastings on November 29th – save the date!
Thank you Waugh Infrastructure, WSP-Opus and Harrison Grierson for sponsoring the meeting.
For a full meeting review and photos – click here
To view all presentation from the meeting – click here