
Essential Asset Management Certificate

This Certificate covers the fundamentals of infrastructure asset management and equips you with practical insights to build confidence and add value to your team.


If you have already completed any of the 5 digital badges in the Essential Certificate, you can apply for a discount on the price. Just email mike.curry@apopo.co.nz with details.

Otherwise, you can go ahead and enrol!

Enrol Others

To enrol others (for example, purchase on behalf of others in your organisation), please contact us with details. We will arrange access and an invoice.

Email mike.curry@apopo.co.nz.

Take your asset management expertise
to the next level

The Āpōpō Essential Asset Management Certificate is made up of 5 digital badges over a 5-month enrolment, plus optional facilitated sessions. The content is calibrated for early-career infrastructure asset managers.

Once you complete all 5 digital badges, you are awarded the Āpōpō Essential Asset Management Certificate!


Online Courses

5 courses from our award-winning portfolio of online learning, representing 15-25 hours of learning.


Facilitated Sessions

An hour per month in a facilitated Teams group session with a subject matter expert. Bring your questions and talk them through.



Enrolment is for a 5-month period, although you can finish faster if you wish. Start whenever you are ready.


Discussion Forum

Join fellow learners in an online discussion forum, to ask
questions and discuss your thoughts.

Benefits of the Essential Certificate

  • Directly aligns with industry needs, giving learners knowledge that is immediately relevant to their roles.
  • Bridges the gap between short-form learning and more formal qualifications, allowing learners to target skill development while building towards other education pathways: see the Pathways into Asset Management diagram.
  • Learners can progress at their own pace, completing courses faster if their schedules allow.
  • Optional Q&A sessions with experts provides personalised insights, enhancing the learning experience with real-world applications and guidance.
  • Meeting other learners completing the Certificate fosters connections within the asset management community.
  • Delivered by Āpōpō, these certificates carry the weight of an organisation recognised for its leadership in asset management education.


If you have already completed any of the 5 digital badges in the Essential Certificate, you can apply for a discount on the price. Just email mike.curry@apopo.co.nz with details.

Otherwise, you can go ahead and enrol!

Enrol Others

To enrol others (for example, purchase on behalf of others in your organisation), please contact us with details. We will arrange access and an invoice.

Email mike.curry@apopo.co.nz.


Āpōpō Members

Essential Asset Management Certificate
$ 875
  • 5 digital badges, valued at $1,057.50
  • 5x 1-hour Teams group sessions with experts, valued at $1,000
  • Discussion forum to talk with other learners
  • 5-month enrolment period


Essential Asset Management Certificate
$ 970
  • 5 digital badges, valued at $1,175
  • 5x 1-hour Teams group sessions with experts, valued at $1,000
  • Discussion forum to talk with other learners
  • 5-month enrolment period


If you have already completed any of the 5 digital badges in the Essential Certificate, you can apply for a discount on the price. Just email mike.curry@apopo.co.nz with details.

Otherwise, you can go ahead and enrol!

Enrol Others

To enrol others (for example, purchase on behalf of others in your organisation), please contact us with details. We will arrange access and an invoice.

Email mike.curry@apopo.co.nz.


If you have already completed any of the 5 digital badges in the Essential Certificate, you can apply for a discount on the price. Just email mike.curry@apopo.co.nz with details.

Otherwise, you can go ahead and enrol!

Enrol Others

To enrol others (for example, purchase on behalf of others in your organisation), please contact us with details. We will arrange access and an invoice.

Email mike.curry@apopo.co.nz.

Already done some of these badges? Apply for a discount!

If you have already completed any of the 5 selected digital badges within the past 5 years, you do not need to complete them again.

Instead, the course completion can be applied towards achievement of the Certificate, and the fee can be reduced.

Please get in touch and we'll provide you with a discount coupon. Discounts are provided at the rate of $175 per course (members) or $194 (non-members). 

If you have previously completed all the courses in the Certificate, there is a minimum administration fee of $65 +GST.

Get in touch: mike.curry@apopo.co.nz

Certificate Content

The Essential Certificate is made of the digital badges below, plus optional attendance at facilitated Teams sessions. The price for each course individually adds up to $1,057.50 so the Certificate for $875 (or $970 for non-members) represents incredible value for money!

AM 101 - Introduction to Asset Management

This course gives you the foundation you need to navigate the complexities of asset management with clarity and confidence.

AM 201 – Telling the Story of Asset Management

Harness the power of storytelling to achieve your asset management goals.

AM 202 – Understanding Requirements

An introduction to the key internal and external drivers that define the scope of your AM system.

AM 203 – Lifecycle Planning

How to understand the basics of the Lifecycle Planning part of the Asset Management process.

AM 204 – Asset Management Enablers

How to engage with and manage the components needed to enable successful asset management.


What is the time commitment?

Designed for people in-work, the Essential Certificate requires approximately 5 hours per month.

This is made up of 1 digital badge (which takes 2-4 hours) and 1 facilitated session (1 hour).

The facilitated session normally take place on the last Friday of the month. 

The entire Certificate is designed to take approximately 5 months.

Can I complete it faster?


Although the Certificate is designed to be completed over 5 months, you can complete it faster if your schedule allows. 

Your access to the facilitated sessions will cease once you have completed the Certificate.

Can I take longer than 5 months?

5 months is normally ample to complete the Certificate. 

However, sometimes the unexpected happens. Learners may apply to Āpōpō for an extension in the event of the unforeseen, such as bereavement, sickness, or family obligations. Typically, being busy at work is not grounds for an extension. 

In the event you do not complete the courses within the agreed timeframe, access to the courses remains - but the Certificate is not awarded.

What if I've already completed a digital badge?

If you have already completed any of the 5 selected digital badges within the past 5 years, you do not need to complete them again.

Instead, the course completion can be applied towards achievement of the Certificate, and the fee can be reduced.

Please get in touch and we'll provide you with a discount coupon. Discounts are provided at the rate of $175 per course (members) or $194 (non-members). 

If you have previously completed all the courses in the Certificate, there is a minimum administration fee of $65 +GST.

Get in touch: mike.curry@apopo.co.nz

Does this count as CPD?

The learning in this certificate counts towards your CPD requirements for the Āpōpō accreditation scheme.

For other CPD schemes please check with them directly to confirm.

What's the next step after this?

The Essential Certificate leads naturally to the Āpōpō Advanced Asset Management Certificate.

From there, the Advanced Certificate leads into the NZ Diploma in Asset Management, BEngTech - Infrastructure Asset Management Apprenticeship, and Graduate Diploma in Asset Management.

Check out our pathways diagram to learn more.

How do I meet other learners?

Along with access to digital badges, you will receive invitations to 1-hour Teams sessions each month.

These sessions allow for questions with experts, as well as hearing from fellow learners.

You'll also receive access to discussion forums open to current learners, where you can ask questions, get to know each other, and make connections within the industry.

What are the facilitated sessions like?

Each facilitated session is hosted via Teams, and runs for 1 hour. 

Roughly 30 minutes is allocated for the subject matter expert to discuss a topic, themed on one of the courses in the Certificate.

The remaining 30 minutes is allocated for questions and answers - so come prepared with some questions! (About the theme of the session, or any of the courses in the Certificate.)

The sessions are a safe place for questions of any kind, without judgement. They are also safe from sales pitches, so you can focus on your learning. 

What if I can't make the facilitated sessions?

The facilitated sessions normally take place on the last Friday of the month. 

While these sessions are optional, we recognise the day/time may not be suitable for all learners. 

While the sessions are not recorded, learners who cannot make the Teams sessions may take advantage of the discussion forum to ask and answer questions. 

What workplace support is expected?

Ideally you will have the support of your workplace to:

a) Provide you the space required to complete the Certificiate

b) Allow you opportunities to apply the skills you learn during the Certificate.

However, anyone can complete the Certificate regardless of their current employment status. 

What is the refund/withdrawal policy?

Learners may withdraw from the Certificate before undertaking any learning with no fee.

Once the learner has commenced the programme, withdrawals/refunds are only issued in exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Āpōpō CE. 

In the event you do not complete the courses within the agreed timeframe, access to the courses remains - but the Certificate is not awarded.

Please contact us to discuss.

Got a Question?

If you have any questions about this Certificate, please feel free to contact us using the form below.