Keeping in touch with people in Otago / Southland

Our first event of 2024 was held in Dunedin at the new Te Pukenga facilities in April. 

On Friday 20th September we are meeting in Invercargill, and then to Dunstan in November to uphold the tradition of our golf day. 

If you have any ideas for branch events, have an exciting project to present or want to get involved in any way, then don’t hesitate to contact me!

Open to everyone

Our branch meetings are open to everyone, and we encourage Āpōpō members to bring colleagues along.

Otago Southland header

Branch area

The Āpōpō Otago/Southland Branch is the area covered by the Otago and Southland Regional Councils and includes the area covered by the Waitaki District Council. View the map of branch areas.

Branch Chairperson

Mark Baker, BEng, CPEng

Principal Engineer, Morphum Environmental 


Mark Baker is a highly experienced chartered professional engineer specialising in three waters asset management and strategic planning. With over 17 years of experience, he has worked extensively in the local government infrastructure sector, both as a client and a consultant. During his time at Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC), Mark led a multi-disciplinary team, managing long-life infrastructure assets and overseeing long-term infrastructure planning for one of New Zealand's fastest-growing districts.

Currently based in the Queenstown area, Mark works with Morphum Environmental. He is deeply passionate about the outdoors and dedicated to preserving the unique environment and lifestyle of Aotearoa/New Zealand.

E: Mark Baker

Branch meetings are like free mini-conferences
for people in Asset Management

Branch news

Upcoming local events

Ideas and suggestions?

If there is a topic you’d like to hear more on or to present on, please contact your branch Chair.

Why attend?

The benefits of staying connected with other professionals who are active in our industry are huge. Our busy workloads can sometimes leave us feeling isolated. Branch meetings are a great way to connect, be inspired, discuss difficulties and learn solutions – for free! They are designed to expose us to new ideas, reinforce a sense of community in public works, and re-energise us for the task ahead!

Emerging Āpōpō – we strongly encourage you to extend this learning opportunity to your younger team members.

Together we can build the next generation of public works professionals.

Free mini-conference

These meetings are a free mini-conference! 

Share this learning opportunity with younger team members, and let’s build the next generation of public works professionals.  

Bring them along to meet new contacts and network, learn from expert speakers, and present at future sessions. 

Previous branch meeting presentations​

This year

Friday 11 November 2022

We recently hosted the annual Otago/Southland Golf Day in Clyde, and it was a beautiful day for it! 

Members from the Otago/Southland Branch came together for this traditional day of local public works, asset and infrastructure management papers, networking and, of course, a round of golf in the sun. Many thanks to our presenters, Julie Muir, Chris Cameron, Chris Hasler and Andy Bartlett.

Thanks very much to our branch chair, Quinton Penniall, for organising the day, and to our sponsors, Utility NZ, Downer New Zealand and Waugh Infrastructure Management Limited!

Download the full agenda and presentations below!

Agenda – Golf Day 2022

Last year

Thursday 5 August 2021

Held in Invercargill on Thursday 5 August.

We had a cracker line up of speakers on topics from how to deliver amongst a lower South Island construction boom, what’s happening in water reform and thoughts on green energy. We also heard from IPWEA NZ President and Head of Asset Management at Auckland Transport – Myles Lind.

Lunch was sponsored by The Building Intelligence Group and the venue was the Southland Cricket Pavilion.

Wednesday 24th March 2021

Location: Invercargill District Council and accessible via zoom

Keynote: Dr Gustav Rohde. Based in South Africa Dr Gustav Rohde presented via zoom. Gustav is a professional engineer who has specialised in the analysis of non-destructive pavement testing and long-term performance modelling.

Hosts: Invercargill City Council