LDEG Forum 2020 – A Unified Approach to Subdivision and Land Development Standards, By Peter Higgs.
A Collaborative Case for Change
Come along to the LDEG Forum to be held 19-20 March in Palmerston North and have your say.
The use of NZS4404 varies across the country with many regions and individual councils using their own standards for infrastructure. This creates a patchwork environment making it difficult for developers, their representatives, suppliers and contractors to understand requirements in the different areas. There are significant gaps in the standards that have been identified which are causing frustration across the sector.
The current state of NZS4404 is not meeting the needs of users in its abilities to address the current issues facing the land development community. These issues include:
- Stormwater, drainage, and water sensitive urban design
- Infrastructure quality
- Geotechnical issues
- Sustainability and climate change, flooding, and water quality
- Planning and project management
- New laws and regulations
The LDEG is proposing a unified approach to standards for infrastructure in land development providing both consistency and flexibility through an update to NZS4404:2010.
To reach this solution a phased approach is proposed.
Step 1 – Engage with the LDEG on change through the LDEG Forum
Step 2 – Undertake a detailed business case
Step 3 – Review and update the NZS4404 document
The Case for Change has been developed and will be made available in the next few weeks for a Panel Discussion at the LDEG Forum.
The LDEG Forum will be held in Palmerston North 19 -20 March 2020.